There’s nothing that makes indoor allergens magically disappear (we know, we’ve tried) because there’s not a single way that allergy-aggravating particles get in your home. They’re hitching a ride on your favorite things: your pets, your shoes, and even that stack of books by your bed.


That’s why you need to take many steps to help reduce indoor allergens. Washing pets frequently, using air purifiers, and controlling pests are some tips. But there are several more, including STAINMASTER® LiveWell™ carpet, that can really step up your game in the fight against indoor allergens.

  1.  Clear the clutter

    Clutter gives indoor allergens more places to go. So, give it the heave-ho. For every new thing you bring in, recycle or donate something you already own but rarely use.

    Take it further with a simple rule: When you begin to notice clutter, consider the short amount of time it takes to put items away now versus when they pile up. So instead of taking your shoes off in the living room and leaving them there, take the extra 30 seconds to put them back in your closet. Or instead of leaving everything on your home office desk at the end of the day, take the extra minute to clean up so you can start fresh the next day.

  2.  Vacuum regularly

    At the very least, you should vacuum your home weekly to help reduce indoor allergens. Plus, studies show that clean carpet can actually improve indoor air quality by keeping allergens out of the breathing zone.

    Take it further with STAINMASTER® LiveWell™ carpet:
    It’s the first carpet system designed to help you fight dust and allergy-aggravating particles. STAINMASTER® LiveWell™ carpet is made with kid and pet safe AllerShield™ technology that helps reduce bonding of allergen particles to the carpet fibers. That means every pass of the vacuum can be 90 percent more effective* in reducing allergen particles.

  3.  Dust your indoor plants

    Even your favorite green things can collect dust and other indoor allergens. So from time to time, wipe the dust off your indoor plants’ leaves with a moist cloth.

    Take it further with air-filtering plants: NASA conducted a clean air study for its space stations, and identified 31 air-filtering plants that clean the air, such as the Golden Pothos and Bamboo Palms. They suggest at least one plant per 100 square feet of your office or home space.

  4.  Monitor humidity

    The Environmental Protection Agency says you want to keep indoor humidity between 30 and 50 percent to prevent mold growing in moist places. Low humidity happens in the winter, when heating systems can dry out the air. If condensation gathers on the windows, it can indicate high humidity, and bugs and mold love those damp spaces.

    Take it further with a hygrometer: This cool piece of technology calculates humidity levels in your house. You can pick up a digital one for a reasonable price at a hardware store to get a precise read on indoor moisture levels. Notice an issue? A dehumidifier can remove unwanted humidity while a humidifier can add moisture to the air.

  5.  Change air filters regularly

    It’s the easiest thing to do and also the easiest to forget. HVAC service technicians frequently find filters that haven’t been changed for years, according to a study by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers). And if your filters aren’t changed per its recommendation, they can become a source for air contamination by allergens. Eek…

    Take it further with automatic reminders: Set a repeating calendar notification on a task management app, or sign up for a home air filter delivery service when it’s time to change filters. And don’t forget to consider other personal factors like pets, number of family members, and the type of home when determining the lifespan of your home’s filters.


    Get help reducing indoor allergens. Meet the first carpet system designed to help you fight dust and allergy-aggravating particles.