Save Up to 70% at Carpet Mill Stores Home Clearance Centers in Denver
Overstocks, carpet remnants, clearance and discontinued flooring products.
Get the Latest Carpet and Flooring Savings at
Our Aurora & Ft. Collins Locations
1300 S. Abilene, Aurora, CO 80012 | 303-369-8809 Fax 303-369-8844

4950 S. College Ave., Ft. Collins, CO 8525 | 970-207-9668 Fax 970-207-9600

Carpet Mill is THE perfect place to shop for flooring and save A TON OF money. In fact, we will give you up to 70% off! At our home clearance center in Denver, You can find extra savings and even bigger discounts at any of our 12 Locations in Denver. We carry over-stock and clearance items. You’ll find clearance items in Carpet, Area Rugs, Laminate, Tile, Hardwood, Stone, Granite, and more!
Are you looking for great clearance deals on carpet and floorings for your home or even your office? If yes, then Carpet Mill is your answer. Here at Carpet Mill, we provide our customers with a wide range of flooring options. We understand the exact needs of our customers and help them in choosing the right option for themselves. Our professionals ensure our guests enjoy the best and most convenient shopping experience.
If you’re looking for the best then visit one of our stores where we offer you a very wide spectrum of carpet purchase and installation solutions. At our Home clearance centers in Denver you will find:
- Carpets
- Hardwood Flooring
- Area Rugs
- Tile and Stone
- Eco-Friendly Flooring